Female student showing the wolf sign in front of the campus fountain.


is about what we grow to be.

If Commencement is the culmination of our work as a university, then our Becoming as an institution should be the central focus of our daily work.

Strategic Plan 2021-2026:

Positioning 博彩平台推荐 for success in the 21st century

Download the Strategic Plan (PDF)

Becoming 博彩平台推荐 - the stakeholder-based strategic planning process - has sought the input and support of members across the 博彩平台推荐 community to help shape a comprehensive blueprint for the university, one that will provide clarity and relevance for the future of the institution. More than 1,300 members of the 博彩平台推荐 community - students, faculty, staff, alumni, community leaders, boards, and other external stakeholders - took an active role in the university's strategic planning for the future.

Strategic Plan


In the first stage of the process, Stakeholder Engagement, we hosted nearly 100 Discovery Sessions and fielded a survey that garnered more than 900 responses. The institution gathered input from cohesive, far-reaching, and collective voices to guide what the university will become. 

During Strategic Planning Prioritization, the process engaged members of the university’s executive team, President’s Cabinet, Provost’s Council, Faculty Senate, Staff Council leadership, and Strategic Planning Steering Team to validate and prioritize the themes that emerged during Stakeholder Engagement.

Read More About the Process


Commitment Statement

Dedicating ourselves to the curation of a first-choice university

Strategic Plan


Strategic Priorities